Add a certificate

How do I add a certificate?

  1. Once the CERTIFICATION tool has been activated and you have selected it from the tool bar on the left-hand side of the page, click Add.

    Note: Before adding a new certificate you must first have created a Gradebook item within your GRADEBOOK. For more instructions on adding a gradebook item, click Gradebook.

    Click Add on the Certification tool.
  2. Edit the details of your certificate in the fields provided:

    1. Name: enter a title for your certificate.
    2. Description: provide details about the certificate.
    3. Template File: upload a PDF file to use as the template for your certificate.
    4. Click Next to movie on the the next step, or Cancel to return to the main tool page.

    Note: The PDF you upload must have at least one (1) editable field (e.g. 'FullName', 'DateofIssue', 'DateofExpiry', etc.).

    Edit details of your certificate.
  3. Edit the "Current Award Rules" (criteria that a student will have to meet before receiving their certificate):

    Note: Grades must be released in the GRADEBOOK to students before they can count towards these criteria.

    Edit the Current Award Rules.
  4. Select a criterion from the "Create a new rule" drop-down menu:

    1. "This certificate cannot be awarded until after a specified gradebook item's due date has passed" - Select the appropriate item from the "Gradebook items" drop-down menu.
    2. "Must earn a specified score on a specified gradebook item" - Select the appropriate gradebook item from the drop-down menu and input the minimum score that a student must meet in order to receive this certificate.
    3. "Certificate will expire after a specified number of months" - Input the number of months that must pass before the certificate expires (following the date of issue).
    4. "Final course grade must be greater than or equal to the specified score" - Input the minimum score (final grade) that a student must meet in order to earn this certificate.

    Note: Once you have added an award criterion or rule to the certificate, it will appear in a list under "Current Award Rules". You may add multiple criteria to a certificate. Criteria can be removed at any time by clicking Remove (next to each criterion)

    Select criterion from the create a new rule drop-down menu.
  5. Click Add once you are satisfied with your award rules/criteria settings, then Next to move on to the next step.

    1. You can opt to show requirements for the completion of a certificate to site members by checking the box next to "Show requirements to site members".
    Click add.
  6. Under "Value to be substituted," select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu(s) provided for each field in the PDF. Values will be replaced dynamically when the certificate is generated (e.g. select "full name of recipient" for the field in which a student's full name will be displayed). Values to be substituted include:

    1. full name of the recipient
    2. name of the certificate
    3. date of award
    4. expiration date
    5. last name of the recipient
    6. first name of the recipient
    Select the value to be substituted.
  7. Review the details of your certificate.

    1. If you would like to change any details, simply click Back and make the appropriate adjustments.
    2. When you are satisfied with the certificate, click Activate Certificate, or Cancel to return to the main tool page.
    Review the details of your certificate.