OWL for Students

Main Navigation Interface

Screenshot of the main OWL navigation interface with different key elements highlighted 1. Account Menu on the top right. 2. The Sites Navigation Bar on the top of the page. 3. Sites Drawer located on the left side of the Sites Navigation Bar.

  1. Account Menu: account settings including calendar, preferences, tutorial, & logout
  2. Favourite Sites Navigation Bar: list of favourite/pinned sites
  3. Sites Drawer: list of all available sites and your organized favourited sites

Site Navigation Interface

Screenshot of an OWL site where tool navigation elements are highlighted. 1. View Site As located on the top left of the page, 2. Tools List located on the left side, 3. Tool Title/Reset located at the top of the content page, 4. Tool Menu located underneath the Tool Title/Reset, 5. Tool Link located on the top right of the page, 6. Tool Help located on the top right of the page and on the right side of Tool Link, 7. Content container located at the centre of the page.

  1. Tools List: list of available tools within a site
  2. Tool Title/Page Refresh: click the tool title to refresh the tool page
  3. Tool Link: generates a direct link to the tool
  4. Tool Help: opens a new window to a support page for the tool
  5. Full-Screen Mode: hides the top bar and side tool menu, providing you with more area to focus on the content
  6. Content Container: content area for the tool

For information about accessibility & navigating OWL with assistive technology, please see Accessibility.