Add podcasts

How do I add a podcast?

  1. Select Podcasts from the Tool Menu in the site.

    Go to Podcasts.
  2. Click the Add tab.

    Click Add.
  3. Click the Choose File button to locate and select the audio (.mp3) or video (.mp4) or PowerPoint (.ppt) file for upload.

    Click Choose File.
  4. Enter item information.

    1. Select a release Date/Time.
    2. Enter a Podcast title.
    3. Enter a description.
    4. Click the Add button.
    Enter item information
  5. View podcast.

    After saving, you will return to the Podcasts page with the new Podcast item listed.

    View podcast.
  6. Notice the Podcast folder location.

    When the Podcasts tool is added to the site, a "Public" Podcasts folder is created in Resources automatically. All of the files uploaded are "Public", to allow users to subscribe and access the files through a podcatcher application.

    Notice the podcast folder location