Add Content

Add Text

  1. From the Add Content dropdown menu, select Add Text.

    You may also add content by clicking on the + button next to any existing item on the page.

  2. Enter your text content.

    Use the Rich Text Editor tools to format the text. Weblinks, images, and other media can also be embedded within the Text Editor.

    When finished, click the Save button.

    Screenshot of the Rich Text Editor.

Instructors can add links to files and external websites on a Lessons page.

  1. From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Add Content Link.

    You may also add content by clicking on the + button next to any existing item on the page.

    Screenshot of the Add Content menu.
  2. Add your content through:

    1. Files from computer (Choose Files)
    2. Files from Resources (select existing files from Resources)
    3. Files from URL (add a URL)

    Click the Save button.

    Screenshot of the Add Content Link configuration menu.
  3. To edit the settings (optional):

    Click the Edit icon.

    Add/edit the Item Name, add a description, alter the release permissions, then click the Update Item button.

    Screenshot of the Edit menu for a Content Link.

Embed Images

  1. From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Embed Content on the Page.

    You may also add content by clicking on the + button next to any existing item on the page.

    Screenshot of the Add Content menu.
  2. Choose a method to upload the image:

    1. Files from your computer (Choose Files)
    2. Files from Resources (Select existing files from Resources)
    3. File from URL (add a URL)

    Click the Save button.

    Screenshot of the configuration menu for embedded content.
  3. To edit the settings (optional):

    Click on the Edit icon.

    Enter a description in the Item Description text box and then click the Save button.

    Note: the image file was automatically uploaded to your Resources in a folder with the same name as the Lessons page

    Screenshot of the edit menu for embedded content.

Embed Youtube Video

If you wish to embed a video file into Lessons from your computer, please see Rich Text Editor > Insert Media.

If you wish to link a video into Lessons from VoiceThread, please see VoiceThread > Creating Multiple Instances of VoiceThread.

Note: The Youtube video must have the embedding enabled in order for it to be embedded within OWL. 

  1. Locate and copy the Youtube URL.

    Screenshot of a Youtube video with the URL highlighted.
  2. From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Embed content on page.

    You may also add content by clicking on the + button next to any existing item on the page.

    Screenshot of the Add Content menu.
  3. Paste the URL into the text field marked add a URL or "embed code".

    Tip: Before clicking Save, you might need to change "http" to "https" as some browsers (e.g. Firefox) do not display "http" links.

    Click the Save button.

    Screenshot of the configuration menu for embedded content
  4. To edit the settings (optional):

    Click on the Edit icon.

    Enter the desired Width and Height for your video in number of pixels or percent of screen, and/or enter a description in the Item Description text box.

    Click the Update item button to save your changes.

    Screenshot of the edit menu for embedded videos.

Embed Microsoft Stream Videos

  1. Open the Microsoft Stream video you want to embed in OWL and click the Share button in the top right.

    Stream Share Link Location
  2. Select Embed code, and adjust the player and playback settings as needed.

    In the text box containing the embed code, select only the source URL (between the quotation marks).

    Stream Embed URL Location
  3. Copy the selected text (right click, select copy or CTRL/CMD + c).

    1. If using Stream (Classic), copy the entire embed code. For more information on Stream (on Sharepoint) vs. Stream (Classic), see Microsoft's guide.
  4. In your OWL Lessons page, select the Add Content drop-down menu.

    Select Embed Content on the Page.

    Note: You may also add content by clicking on the + button next to any existing item on the page. (Step 2 from Video embed)

    Screenshot of the Add Content menu.
  5. Paste the source URL into the text field marked add a URL or "embed code" (Step 3 from video embed).

    Click the Save button. Then, when prompted click the Try Other Alternative button.

  6. View the preview of your embedded video and click the Save button.


Embed Audio

  1. From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Embed content on page.

    You may also add content by clicking on the +button next to any existing item on the page.

    Screenshot of the Add Content menu.
  2. Choose an upload method:

    1. For files from your computer, click Choose File, select the file, and click Open.
    2. For files from RESOURCES, click an existing file from Resources, select your file, and click Select.
    3. For files from a weblink, enter the URL in the box marked add a URL.

    Click the Save button.

    Screenshot of the embed content configuarion menu.
  3. To edit the settings (optional):

    Click on the Edit icon.

    Add a description of the audio file, then click the Update Item button.

    This returns the display to the Lessons page with the embedded audio and its description.

    Screenshot of the edit menu for embedded audio.
  4. Notice the file location in Resources.

    Note: The audio file is not streamed to the user. The larger the audio file, the longer it will take for the audio file to load on the Lessons page.

    Screenshot of the audio file in Resources.

Embed Office 365 Documents

  1. Get a shareable link to your document


    Tip: It is best practice to disable editing on embed links to prevent accidental overwrites.

  2. From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Embed content on page.

    You may also add content by clicking on the + button next to any existing item on the page. (Step 2 from Video embed)

    Screenshot of the Add Content menu.
  3. Paste the URL into the text field marked add a URL or "embed code" (Step 3 from video embed)

  4. Append &action=embedview to the URL.


Add Comments

Instructors can allow students to add comments to a Lessons page. The comments can either be anonymous or have the student's name attached. The comments can be graded and either required or optional.

Note: Students have 30 minutes to edit or delete their comments. Instructors can edit or delete a student comment at any time.

  1. From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Add Comments Tool.

    You may also add content by clicking on the + button next to any existing item on the page.

    Screenshot of the Add Content menu.
  2. View Comments tool on page.

    Note: Students can read other students' comments in this tool.

    Screenshot of the Comments Tool in a Lessons page.
  3. Instructors can delete, edit, and reply to any comment.

    Screenshot of the delete, edit, and reply options in the Comments Tool in a Lessons page. 
  4. To edit the settings (optional):

    Click the Edit icon.

    1. To make comments anonymous, enable Keep Comments Anonymous.
    2. To grade comments, enable Create Gradebook Entries and enter a Maximum point value.
    3. To restrict the release options, enable either or both Don't release item until all prerequisites are completed and Require This Item.

    Click the Update Item button.

    Screenshot of the Edit menu for the Comments Tool.
  5. To grade comments:

    Grades can be entered on the comments themselves, or click on the Grading Pane icon to enter scores.

    Screenshot of the Grading options on the Comments Tool. 

Add Student Content

  1. From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Add Student Content.

    You may also add content by clicking on the + button next to any existing item on the page.

    A list of links to Student Content pages (once students create them) will now be populated on the Lessons page.

    Screenshot of the Add Content menu.
  2. To edit the settings (optional):

    Click the Edit icon.

    1. For the pages to not display the students' names, enable Anonymous.
    2. To grade the student pages, enable Create Gradebook and enter the Maximum points.
    3. To allow students to comment on each other's pages, enable Add Comments.
    4. For anonymous comments, enable Make These Comments Anonymous.
    5. To grade the students' comments, enable Grade These Comments.
    6. To allow students to grade and review each other's pages, enable Add a Peer Review Rubric to each page. You can use the Sample Peer Evaluation rubric (selected by default) or you may click Create a new rubric to create one. Set the Open/Due dates for peer evaluation. If you want students to be able to review their own pages, enable the box for Allow Self Grade.
    7. To create group pages, enable Student pages will be associated with groups rather than individuals. This will allow site groups (rather than individuals) to create Student Pages. Each group member will be allowed to add/edit content on the group's Student Pages.
    8. To allow groups to use rubrics, enable the box for Use rubric for student within a group to evaluate each other.
    9. To only allow pages to be visible to the instructor and the author of the page, enable the box for Students only see their own page.
    10. To restrict access to the student pages based on a prerequisite, enable the box for Don't release item until all prerequisites are completed.
    11. To require the creation of the Student Page, enable Require this item.

    Click Update Item once all changes are complete.

    Note: All of the settings listed above are optional.

    Screenshot of the Student Content edit menu.
  3. To view a student's page, click on the student's name in the list.

    Students can add text, link to documents, link to web pages, embed images, embed video, embed audio, create sub-pages, add comments (if allowed) and peer review (if allowed).

    Click Back to return to the main Lessons page. The Back button is located in the bottom left corner of the student's page.

    Screenshot of a a list of student pages.Screenshot of a student's Lessons page.

Add Assessment Links

  1. From the Add Content drop-down menu, select either:

    • Add Link to an Assignment
    • Add Link to a Test or Quiz
    • Add Link to a Forum or Topic

    You may also add content by clicking on the + button next to any existing item on the page.

    Screenshot of the Add Content menu.
  2. Select from the list of already created assessments or Click the "Create" link to create a new assignment, quiz, or forum.

    Screenshot of the 'create a new assessment' button in the Assessment Link menu. Screenshot of a list of existing assessments to choose from in the Assessment Link menu.
  3. After selecting the Assignment/Forum/Quiz, click Use selected item.

    A link to the assessment will now be listed in the Lessons page.

    Screenshot of three Assessment Links in a Lessons page (Forums, Assignments, Tests and Quizzes).

Add Questions

  1. Click Add Content from the top menu, then click Add Question.

    Screenshot of the Add Content dropdown menu.
  2. For a Multiple Choice question

    1. Enable Multiple Choice at the top
    2. Input the question in the text field marked "Question Text"
    3. Input response options. To add more response choices, click the "Add New Answer" button.
    4. Indicate which response(s) is correct using the checkboxes to the left of the responses.
    5. Enable/disable the additional settings as necessary.
    Screenshot of the Multiple Choice question settings window.
  3. For a Short Answer question

    1. Enable Short Answer at the top
    2. Input the question in the text field marked "Question Text"
    3. Input a possible answer(s). These do not display with the question, but can be used for grading purposes. If student responses do not match one of these answers exactly, they will marked as incorrect. If there are no correct answers to the question, leave this field blank.
    4. Enable/disable the additional settings as necessary.
    Screenshot of the Question settings window.
  4. Click the Save button.

    Your question will now be displayed in the Lessons page.

    Screenshot of a Question in a Lessons page.

Add Checklist

  1. From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Add Checklist.

    You may also add content by clicking on the + button next to any existing item on the page.

    Screenshot of the Add Content menu.
  2. Complete the configuration of the item:

    1. Input a title in the first text field, marked "Checklist Title".
    2. Enable or disable "Hide checklist name from students" option.
    3. Input a description for the checklist (optional).
    4. Click the "Add New Checklist Item" button to add items.
    5. Input the tasks into the text fields for the items.
    Screenshot of the Checklist configuration menu.
  3. Enable/disable the Optional Settings as necessary.

    Screenshot of the optional appearance settings in the Checklist configuration menu.Screenshot of the optional group settings in the Checklist configuration menu.
  4. Click the Save button.

    Screenshot of the save button in the configuration menu.

Adding LTI/External Tools

  1. Navigate to a lesson page and click the Add Content tab.

    Screenshot of the Add Content menu.
  2. Click the Add external tool in the dropdown.

    Screenshot of the configuration menu for embedded content.
  3. Click Manage or Install tools.

    Screenshot of the edit menu for embedded content.
  4. Click Install LTI 1.1 Tool.

    Screenshot of the configuration menu for embedded content.
  5. Enter the name of the tool in the Tool Title (Above the tool) textbox and the Button Text textbox.

    Screenshot of the edit menu for embedded content.
  6. Input the Launch URL, Launch Key, and Launch Secret into the corresponding textboxes.

    Note: You should receive these from the LTI vendor.

    Screenshot of the edit menu for embedded content.
  7. Contact the vendor to validate which Privacy Settings and/or Services to select from this list.

    Screenshot of the edit menu for embedded content.
  8. Click Save.

    Screenshot of the edit menu for embedded content.
  9. Refresh the page. Select the tool you'd like to integrate from the list provided.

    Note: Your newly added tool should appear at the bottom of the list.

    Screenshot of the edit menu for embedded content.
  10. Click Save.

    Screenshot of the edit menu for embedded content.
  11. The link to your newly integrated LTI tool should appear on the lessons page.

    Screenshot of the edit menu for embedded content.