Upload files

How do I upload files to a drop box folder?

  1. Select Drop Box from the Tool Menu in the site.

    Go to Drop Box.
  2. Click Actions, then Upload Files.

    To the right of the folder which you want to add files, click the Actions dropdown menu and select Upload Files

    Click actions to upload files.
  3. Option 1: Drag and drop files from your computer.
    Drag file(s) from your computer and drop them in box marked "Drop files here to upload".

    Option 2: Browse your computer for files.
    Click in the box labeled "Drop files here to upload".
    Select the file(s) to upload.

    Drag and drop or choose from computer.
  4. Click the Copyright dropdown menu to select a copyright status.

    Select a copyright status.
  5. Click Continue to uploads the file(s).

    Click Continue.