
Zoom is a cloud-based solution for video and audio conferencing, collaboration, and online meetings. Instructors, students, and guest lecturers can meet remotely and share their video, audio, and screens for presentations and collaboration. 


How to add Zoom to your site?

To add Zoom to your site, navigate to Site Info > Manage Tools. The tool can be found under the Plugin Tools section. Once added to your site, you can proceed to create Zoom meetings.

Note: You must log into Zoom the first time with your Western account before you can use Zoom from within OWL. Sign into Western's Zoom Login page with your Western credentials.

For more information about Zoom at Western, please visit the Western's Zoom Web Conferencing site.


How to create a Zoom meeting in OWL?

Note: You must be logged into OWL with your official Western account to create a Zoom meeting in OWL.

  1. Select the Zoom tool from the Tool Menu in the left sidebar of your site.

    Screenshot of OWL Zoom tool side navigation
  2. Click the Schedule a New Meeting button.

    Zoom main page with Schedule a New Meeting button
  3. Fill in the details and settings about your meeting.

    1. Enter the meeting's topic (name).
    2. Select the date and time of the meeting.
    3. Select the meeting duration.
    Additional options available when scheduling a new meeting
  4. Select the settings for your meeting.

    1. Enable Enable join before host to allow participants to join the meeting before the host joins.
    2. Disable Enable waiting room unless you want to accept each person individually during the meeting who joins the meeting.
    3. Enter email addresses into the Alternative Hosts field to allow these people to host the meeting as well.
    Additional options available when scheduling a new meeting
  5. Click the Save button to create the meeting.

    Zoom Save Button for scheduling a meeting
  6. Click the Course Meetings link in the top left corner to return to the main page. Your meeting will appear under the "Upcoming Meetings" tab for both you and your students.

    Zoom main page with Schedule a New Meeting button