Use Content Template

How do I add a content template to a text box?

The Rich Text Editor has several layout templates to choose from when creating content or documents. Templates consist of pre-made tables that you can easily place into your body of text.

  1. Click the Template icon. This will display the Content Template dialog box.

    A screenshot of the rich text editor with the Template button outlined.”
  2. Select the content template. This will display the selected content template in the text box.

    Warning: If you already have pre-existing content in your document, uncheck 'Replace actual contents' from the Content Template window when inserting a template to ensure that you do not lose any of your work.

    A screenshot of the Content Templates screen with the Image and Title template selected.
  3. Add content to the content template. Type in the title and text.

    To insert an image:

    • Right-Click (CTRL-Click MAC) the image and select Image properties.
    • Enter the URL of the image in the box marked URL.
    • Click OK.
    A screenshot of the applied template with a missing image.

    Example page.

    A screenshot of the applied template with an image inserted.